Attorneys At Kreisher Marshall & Associates, LLC

Making Bloomsburg A Better Place To Live And Age

Does Your Estate Plan Include Digital Records?

On Behalf of | Apr 13, 2015 | Estate Planning

Columbia County Estate Law

With the rise of digital record keeping, estate planners have been keeping track of electronic records as well as paper ones. Very few families can simply point to a filing cabinet or safe and say “everything is in there.” Instead, social media accounts, bookkeeping software, and digital storage systems now keep track of much of our most important information. Experienced Pennsylvania estate planning attorneys recognize how important it is to have an estate plan that keeps track of digital information as well as paper-based records.

When updating your estate plan to include your digital information, consider items like:

  • Where is your information kept? Think about devices like computers, back-up drives, smartphones, and cameras. Make a list of where your devices are located and what is on each of them.
  • Who will be in charge of collecting and tracking your information when you are gone? Many people choose a family member who is comfortable with a wide range of technological devices and platforms.
  • How will you keep passwords secure now, but accessible to your successor? Password management software can help you achieve this step. Talk to your attorney or to an IT professional who can provide tips that balance your need for security with your successor’s need to wrap up your digital data when you are gone.
  • What do you want to happen to your data when you die? Social media accounts can all be used to notify friends and family when you have passed. Some platforms, like Facebook, allow your account to be turned into a digital “memorial” where friends and family can share cherished memories. Leave instructions about whether you want sites to continue or to be updated, especially if they are generating revenue.

Need legal assistance with your estate planning needs? Contact Kreisher Marshall & Associates, LLC today. Our experienced Columbia County attorneys can help you ensure that your Will or trust is executed according to your wishes.
