Attorneys At Kreisher Marshall & Associates, LLC

Making Bloomsburg A Better Place To Live And Age

Tips for Estate Planning

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2015 | Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Estimates say that nearly 60% of Americans don’t have a will. Even though we see commercials on television for companies that can help you put together a will most people still don’t follow through with estate planning. Whether you like to think about it or not, having a plan in place for what happens to your money and belongings is important to you and your family. Putting together an estate plan can make sure the people you care about are protected and comfortable with their lives after you’re gone.

If you ask any of those 60% of people without a will why they don’t have one and the top answer you’ll probably get is that it’s too expensive and complicated to hire an estate planning attorney. This isn’t true anymore! In most situations, you should be able to prepare your own will in a single session with an attorney. Kreisher Marshall & Associates, LLC have helped many Pennsylvanians get some peace of mind.

Contact us at (570) 784-5211 to plan your family’s future.

Before giving us a call, you should learn more about estate planning. Here are a few tips:

  • Appoint a guardian for your estate. If you get to the point where you can’t make decisions for yourself about finances, it’s wise to have a guardian of your state named. Name someone you trust who will handle any transactions that need your signature. (That person does not have to be your husband or wife.) Many people give this role to an experienced estate planning attorney.
  • Don’t forget that it’s your money. Your estate plan is your own rules for who gets what money or belongings of yours after you’re gone. Putting together an estate plan let’s you decide how your legacy is handed down. Don’t let the courts decide.
  • Keep your kids in mind. If your children are under 18 when you die, consider who you’d like to be their legal guardian. The guardian will have custody of your child, so pick someone willing to take on the responsibility who can and will care for your children. Don’t forget to consider the age and health of the guardian, where they live, and their financial situation. Your will can nominate a guardian, but the court will have to decided if that person is able to serve in the role.
  • Share your end of life decisions. This is one of the hardest conversations to have, but one of the most important. Providing your family with a written statement of your wishes should you suffer a life threatening injury or sickness will take away a lot of the burden of life or death choices from them. Let people know how YOU want the hardest choices made can save you and your family from a lot of pain and suffering.

Setting up an estate plan can help your family through the hardest times. If you have any questions about estate planning, don’t hesitate to contact the Columbia County attorneys at Kreisher Marshall & Associates, LLC. We can be reached at (570) 784-5211.
